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Active, inspired by her he speaks and moves;
His deeds obey her heart's unspoken demands;
O Sun-Word, thou shalt raise the earth-soul to Light
A mightier race shall inhabit the mortal's world.


Inspirations - The Galleria

Poems by R Y Deshpande



Bringer of Fate’s masked dire foreknowledge here,

Unto our world the word irrevocable,

A seer, a singer he is Brahma’s blessed child:

A forehead shining with benediction-boon,

A soul embracing divinity by love,

Body a violet veil of gnostic subtle sky!

Chanting and singing Narayana, the Name,

A voice that floats like a liquid cadence-grace,

Aspiration’s silver crest transcending heaven’s blue,

A flame-will plunging in the dark nether depths,

A winged splendour crossing the sevenfold sea, --

His the bliss breaking the leaden walls of night,

His the knowledge piercing the golden womb;

A honey-cup of blaze one with holocaust supreme,

A single-pointed seer-flame that drinks by the brow

The mystic waters of the Truth-Conscious Sun!

The Word

The Word was broken up into four quarters,

And the articulate voice flowed in the streams,

And the seeing sound pierced the hill of substance,

And Agni took Speech for his glowing bride.

Therefore the tongues of fire eat the honey-food.

Then in a vast of silence where no thought moves

Was felt the first stress, the primal urge to be,

And the Ineffable burst in a song of creation,

As if in dense spaces of spiritual light

Exploded the supernova, a golden mass of joy.

The Word was spoken and the Vedas were born,

And the seeds sprang up in richnesses of the earth,

And dissolved in waters it became the fish,

And borne by the breath it filled the mid-region.

The upward trajectory of the loud hymn took wings

And again the Word reached the unseen sky of delight.

Then mounted the flames of sacrifice to Heaven

And All-Grace leaned down in body of the Word.