An Approach To Indian History
Prof. Kittu Reddy



We shall introduce in this chapter some basic and important ideas related to the study of history. These cover the following points.

·        what does history teach us and what are its sources

·        The relation between the external events in human life and the inner psychological state.

·        the importance of the individual in history

·        Does life have a purpose and can history help us to find it and give human life a direction.

We shall take up these questions and try to throw however briefly and succinctly some light on these questions.


History as it is commonly understood is the story of man. It is the story of his evolution from his early primitive state to the more developed being that he is now. This is called the growth of civilisation and culture. We learn how he made use of his early tools and has gradually controlled and mastered his environment; we study the growth of his political and social systems, of the building and breaking of kingdoms and empires. We see the growth of art and culture in all its diverse forms and the enrichment of his inner life. In sum we see how man has evolved over the ages.

We shall now try to see what exactly we mean by evolution. When we say that man has evolved, we mean that he has developed a new power of consciousness and awareness. This power enables him to become conscious not only of the world around him but also of his inner world. In other words, he becomes both conscious and self-conscious; and this is possible because he has developed a new power and faculty called Reason. It is this faculty which marks the great difference between man and animal.  To this is added another quality which is the unique privilege of man - the Intelligent Will. The Intelligent will is the quality, which enables him to implement and put into practice what his mind, and reason understand and see. These two powers - Reason and Intelligent Will - are the secret of his evolutionary progress. We see the application of these two powers in all the fields of human activity - the practical sciences, his social and political development, his art and culture and in all the fields of knowledge. Therefore while studying History which deals mainly with the external record of human life, we shall keep in mind this fundamental fact that human progress is primarily due to these two powers - Reason and Intelligent Will.

But at the same time, we shall note that there has been in man another urge -a greater aspiration, which has led him to a  power higher than Mind; this power is the spiritual power.  There have been periods in history, when both individuals and masses of  men have  been  moved or at least touched by this  higher  force. This is especially true in Indian history, although it has played a role in other civilisations.

These  periods  have had great and beneficent results  in  human life. We shall have to keep this too in mind in studying history. To sum up:

The study of history deals with the external events of human life in its different aspects; but at  the  same time we must remember that the forces that activate these  events and  human progress are Reason and Intelligent Will and a  higher power, the Spiritual power.


It is a natural question that we must be all asking and wondering about; how do we know what has happened so many thousands of years ago? What are the sources of our knowledge? We shall try here  to answer briefly these questions.

There are broadly speaking three main sources of ancient history:

a) archaeology

b) literature

c) legends

d) new technological methods


One  of the most important sources of ancient history  has  been archaeology.  It  consists in the scientific  study  of  material remains  of  past human life and activities;  these  include  the study of fossils, relics, monuments etc. Sometimes these are  found on  the surface and experts and scientists take them up and  make detailed  investigations;  very often, however we  have  to  make excavations  deep below the surface. We have had most  remarkable instances of very interesting discoveries made after such excavations. There are the examples of Mohenjodaro and Harappa in India and the example of Troy in Asia Minor; whole townships have  been found  and have helped us get a good view of the culture  of  the people of those times.


Another important source of our knowledge of the past is literature.   The  ancient  literature  of  man  consists   of   epics, dramas, poetry and scriptures; all these give us a a great deal of information on the life and thought of ancient man.The epics, in particular have given us a very clear picture of ancient civilisations;as examples we have the Ramayana and the Mahabharata in India and the  Iliad  in Greece. The two Indian epics give us  not  only  a vivid description of the political and social systems but also  a fine depiction of the values and ideals that moved the people  of India in those times; many of these values are still cherished by the  Indian  people and even now have a profound  effect  on  the masses of India.

Similarly the scriptures of a people, like the Vedas, the  Upanishads and the Gita show us the religion and the deeper  spiritual values of the Indian people. They have had a profound impact  and have created movements that have influenced its history; the same can be said of the dramas and poetry. No  doubt it will be said that there is a lot of imagination  and fiction in the literature of a people and they do not  constitute history  in  its  true sense; it is  even doubted  by  many  that Christ or Krishna ever existed and yet none can deny their influence on large masses of men and on history.

All  this shows that the external life of man is  greatly  influenced by the thoughts and the psychological forces that move  him and  must  therefore  be  given its due place  in  the  study  of history; this leads us to the next point.

New Technological methods

Today, new methods are being used to study history; these include satellite photography, carbon dating and many other methods which we shall not discuss here; suffice it to say, that with the advance of technology we are able to get more and more precise information of the past of man.


One  of  the  points  we  shall  stress  in  this  book  is   the interrelationship of the inner and outer worlds of man; in  other words,  does  the psychological condition of  man  influence  and affect his outer behaviour and circumstances or is it the  external conditions and circumstances that  determine his life .The  answer  will depend on our understanding of  the  nature  of man: is man essentially a physical being or is he more of a mental and  spiritual  being.  We shall try to show in  this  book  that though  man is a material being and is affected by  his  material environment, he is essentially a mind and at a more evolved stage a spiritual being. 

We  shall now mention a few examples of events in  history  where the  influence  of the idea and  thought-power  have  contributed greatly to the external events; one such example has been the French Revolution.It  is said that the French Revolution came about mainly  because of  political  and economic reasons; there is certainly  no  doubt that  the  poverty  and the food shortages  played  an  important part, similarly   the  political  system  based  on   the    total domination of the upper classes contributed greatly to the  onset of the revolution; but it cannot be denied that the intellectuals of  France  also played a very important role  in  awakening  the people.  There can be no doubt that the writings of Rousseau  and Voltaire  and  other  writers  and  intellectuals  made  all  the difference;  for in the other countries of Europe  the  political and economic conditions were even worse -it was really the  ideas of the intellectuals that shaped the course of events.

Similarly,  it  was due to the writings of Karl Marx  and  Engels that  over a century later the Russian revolution took place.  It should  be  quite clear that the power of the idea plays  a  very important part in the historical evolution of man.


We  shall now take up another question that  often  troubles many minds. What is the role of the individual in human progress, and in human  life  in general? In fact has the individual any  role  to play  at all or is it that progress and change is a  movement  of the masses and general forces that drive human beings.We  shall try to show in this book the great  importance  of the  individual  and  in a certain sense  even  that  most  human progress  has  been initiated by the individual;  the  individual leads and the masses follow as best as they can.

The most striking examples of individuals shaping the destiny  of  a  nation are very evident in recent  times;  France  was profoundly  influenced  by Napoleon, the influence of  Hitler  on Germany  cannot  be underestimated nor the profound  effect  that Churchill  had  on  the course of English history.  In  India  in recent  times the personality of Gandhi gave a distinct stamp  to Indian  politics;  and  all these movements  were  possible  only because  at their centre there was an individual with  some  outstanding  and  exceptional  qualities. This is not  to  deny  the importance  of  the collectivity but only to point out  that  the human  individual plays a great role and sometimes even the  most important  one in human evolution.As a matter of fact  there  are historians  who conceive of history as a mass of biographies  and even  if  we do not agree altogether with this view  point,  we should be able to appreciate the value of the individual in human progress.


This  is  the last but most important point  that  we  shall cover  in this brief discussion. We believe that life has a  purpose  and that human life has a goal, and that this goal is  fulìfilled  by  an evolutionary process. At the  present  moment  man represents  the  mental stage of evolution; by this alone  he  is different  and superior to the animal, but this too will have  to be  surpassed  and man has to attain to a greater level  of  consciousness and perfection. The aim and destiny of human life will thus be first to develop his mind and then go beyond to a greater perfection beyond mind. How can history help us in this pursuit?

It  may be said that all study, or at least the major part of what  we study , consists in analysing the past. It is  the  same with  history  too; but we shall take great care that we  do  not stick  to the past.

It will be our aim in this book to  show  that all that has happened in the past has only helped to prepare  the present and in the same way the present is preparing the  future. With the past as our bedrock and the present as the  springboard, we must prepare to leap into the future. Viewed from this  point, the study of history can be of great value.