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The discovery and growth of one’s inner being is not a mere figment of imagination but the  consistent expression of psychic truth, of a direct experience ‘that passes all the argument of the earth.’ Only a rare few have hit upon this adventure; they are the pioneers of the spirit’s ways, and of these Sri Aurobindo is certainly in the forefront.  The creative outflow of the artist’s genius will for ever elude and baffle human understanding if the unfolding of the poet’s spiritual experiences is not taken into consideration. It is these that furnish true material for poetic creation. The poet’s mission is not to ‘celebrate bygones’, not to explore the life that has exhibited itself, but to liberate what is hidden in man, to set free ‘the indispensable fire’ as Whitman says or ‘the celestial fire’,  ‘the burning witness’  as Sri Aurobindo says. The poet has to be a pioneer of spiritual adventure, the ‘protagonist of the mysterious play in which the Unknown pursues himself through forms’...more>>



A study of psychological aspects of Freedom Movement in India .

We are starting a series of articles By Prof. Kittu Reddy on the Freedom Movement in India ,starting with the Sepoy Movement of 1857 and culminating in her independence in 1947...more>>


"THE characters of this story are fictitious and the events concoctions. The ideas, however, had genuinely occurred to me. Some of the ideas came from the fables, folklores, and poetry I had read in school and college. Most of them have come from the Gita. Together they suggest a way that may lead one to peace and happiness...more>>"
-Bikas C .Sen


Various spiritual disciplines may be found collected and synthesized in the Bhagavadgita, a dialogue between Krishna, the Divine incarnate, and Arjuna, one of the greatest warriors of his time. The background of the dialogue consists of a sudden depression befalling Arjuna a short while before he was  to pass shooting orders  in what was going to be the bloodiest warfare of the age, and, one in which almost all the warriors of the country were taking sides. It is interesting to note the place, time and medium the Divine, on this particular occasion, chose to deliver the highest of philosophies to mankind...more>>
-Bikas C .Sen

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